Advanced Kanban View in Odoo
Odoo is considered one of the world’s most user-friendly business management software for the successful operation of finance, retail, manufacturing, and various other sectors.
Apart from this, the views in Odoo can be defined as per an end user’s requirements and how they want their records to be displayed.
The advanced Kanban view in Odoo helps to manage data in a manner that falls halfway between a list view and a non-editable form view.
There are many types of views available in Odoo. Here we will discuss the Kanban View. The Kanban View shows data in a manner that falls halfway between a list view and a non-editable form view.
Template code to add Kanban View
Let’s look at "how to create a Kanban view in Odoo".

Let’s look at the Kanban view given below:

☑ Now, let’s see the attributes used in Kanban View.

1. default_group_by

This attribute is used for grouping according to a particular field. You can make groups out of any field, by including the field name in the default_group_by value.
2. default_order

We can sort Kanban cards as per requirement. Here is an example of the sorting operations. <kanaban default_order = "field_name">
3. group_create

We can add new columns in the Kanban view. By default, the value of group_create will be accurate. So, the ‘Add a Column’ option will be visible. When we set its value to false, the Add a Column option will get removed.
4. group_delete

This attribute allows you to choose whether to delete the groups. The attribute default value is actual, which is used for deleting the Kanban group.
5. group_edit

By default value is true. The option to edit the group is hidden when we set it to false.
<kanaban group_edit="false'>
6. archivable

By default, the value is true. We can set the value false to remove the archive option, and the archive option will be disabled from the menu. <kanban archivable = "false">
7. records_draggable

It’s a draggable record. In Kanban View, we can drag and drop Kanban card into another group by default attributes is true. If we set records_draggable = “false,” we can’t remove these Kanban cards to another group.
8. quick_create

With the use of quick_create. We create records without switching to the form view. By default, attributes are valid. When we set the attribute as false, a create task form view will be opened when we click on this create button.
9. Progress bar

This will place a progress bar on the top of the Kanban columns.
<progressbar field="gender" widget="progressbar" colors='{"male": "success", "female": "warning"}'/>
To Show all stages, including the empty one. Done as mentioned below comments:
stage = fields. Many2one('crm.stage', group_expand='_read_group_stage_ids')
def _read_group_stage_ids(self,stages,domain,order):
stage_ids = self.env['crm.stage'].search([])
return stage_ids
Wrap Up
The Kanban View used in Odoo CRM aids in the identification of quality conditions, which helps develop a seamless workflow, and improves product quality. This feature of Odoo reduces wait times and increases platform stability.
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