Home Blog SuiteCommerce: The Definitive Guide to NetSuite eCommerce
SuiteCommerce: The Definitive Guide to NetSuite eCommerce

SuiteCommerce: The Definitive Guide to NetSuite eCommerce

Are you seeking a novel kind of eCommerce platform? A platform with complete customizability? Consider a platform that works in unison with your back-end and enables you to keep one step ahead of your competitors, customers, and trends. It turns out the platform is SuiteCommerce from NetSuite. It oversees an eCommerce store's finances, inventory, pricing, payments, customers, taxes, billing, suppliers, and back-office operations.

Are you Looking for a Cutting Edge Ecommerce Platform

One of the top eCommerce platforms is Suitecommerce from Netsuite. Any eCommerce vendor may have difficulties, and NetSuite is fully aware of these. For every e-commerce company, NetSuite SuiteCommerce serves as an interface, and Cloud ERP serves as the back end of the solution created by NetSuite.

We at Kanak Infosystems collaborate closely with you to implement, integrate, and optimize NetSuite for you. We offer consultancy, integration, managed services, and the development of unique solutions for NetSuite.

Netsuite SuiteCommerce: What is it?

The B2B and B2C e-commerce solution from NetSuite, SuiteCommerce, enables retailers to provide interesting and pertinent online experiences.

A mobile-optimized, feature-rich cloud e-commerce platform that is simple to administer and enhance will help you grow online revenue, drive more traffic to your web businesses, and turn browsers into customers.

NetSuite Suitecommerce What is it

To provide a single view of the customer, order, inventory, and other important data and to provide real-time visibility across your organization while powering customized and pertinent cross-channel experiences, SuiteCommerce integrates e-commerce with your core NetSuite operational business processes.

  • An Exciting and Rich Shopping Experience

Make use of a variety of features, including a photo gallery, product comparisons, navigation, sophisticated online search, social networking, and ratings and reviews, to help customers find, learn about, and purchase your products. 

  • Modern Commerce Platform

Multi-tenant cloud platform SuiteCommerce offers SaaS services (Software-as-a-Service). NetSuite makes use of contemporary open-source third-party technologies like Backbone.js, Handlebars.js, and Sass to deliver a scalable foundation for SuiteCommerce. SuiteCommerce allows you to send and receive data through services and APIs as an interactive layer over Netsuite data.

  • B2C and B2B sites in One Platform

A single platform called SuiteCommerce controls both B2C and B2B eCommerce. B2B sites offer customers a comparable user experience to a B2C site, but with added functionality catered to the unique requirements of corporate users. One e-commerce platform that supports B2C and B2B platforms allows businesses to develop new mediums and business strategies with less capital outlay and avoid maintaining multiple networks.

  • Site Performance 

Due to the usage of a single domain for the full shopping and checkout process, a content delivery network (CDN), and a client-side single-page system, Suite commerce is a quick and scalable platform. The speedy loading of SuiteCommerce storefronts leads to fewer bounces and increased transactions.

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Versions of NetSuite SuiteCommerce

1. SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder wasn't immediately a huge hit with its users. More users joined the company after its integration with NetSuite, allowing it to continue operating for another ten or more years. SuiteBuilder, which debuted in 2003, was another modest NetSuite success.

Due to the absence of a back-end, SiteBuilder requires that all creations be made by modifying the appropriate files in the FTP folder.

An elementary online store is what this SuiteCommerce version is. The site may be customized to work for Your Business with just a few small modifications. 

Unexpectedly, NetSuite SiteBuilder is used by a lot of enterprises for their websites. SiteBuilder upgrades are not presently being released or sold by the firm; however, support is still available to customers.

NetSuite SiteBuilder gradually vanishes when SuiteCommerce completes its transformation, and SuiteCommerce Advanced emerges.

2. SuiteCommerce (SuiteCommerce Standard)

Why is it on the list? The default NetSuite eCommerce platform is still SuiteCommerce. It is extremely easy to set up NetSuite SuiteCommerce because it only requires a few basic drags and drops.

Along with templates, SuiteCommerce offers a selection of themes and minimal customization options.

3. SuiteCommerce Advanced

SCA is the abbreviation for SuiteCommerce's enterprise edition. Nearly all of the Magento Enterprise solution's features are also shared by SCA.

SuiteCommerce Advanced gives your developer access to the site's source code so they may modify it and improve the user experience for your customers (UX).

  • Seamless Platform Migration 

Making the switch to SuiteCommerce is simple with the help of our professionals. You may easily relocate your online catalogs, product information, and photographs while keeping your current search engine rankings.

  • Pre-built Reporting

Use NetSuite's industry-proven KPIs and business reports based on users in comparable roles to offer insights and promote business success.

  • Modernize your Business 

To give you a single picture of your organization, NetSuite's e-commerce platform combines CRM, order management, and inventory. Real-time inventory tracking, customer data, orders, and vital business information.

  • Customer Conversion 

Businesses may concentrate on client engagement and cater to the specific requirements of B2B and B2C webshop conversion with the help of NetSuite's fully equipped web store.

  • Positive Customer Experience

Using segmentation, lead time visibility, grid order forms, lookbooks, size charts, and hashtag galleries, you can select from a collection of responsive designs and take advantage of the capabilities of your online customers.

  • Quick Implementation

Profit from NetSuite's quick time to value by setting up a top-notch web store in less than 30 days.

  • Affiliate Management

You can pass affiliate links and affiliate codes together with your purchases thanks to the integration between SuiteCommerce and NetSuite sales tools. To identify your best affiliate partners and referral sources, these affiliate agreements may subsequently be tracked using NetSuite CRM and sales capabilities.

NetSuite eCommerce Platforms: Key-Stages

The NetSuite eCommerce development platform goes through a number of stages. It will make sure that your company is headed in the right direction.

NetSuite eCommerce Platforms: Key Stages

1.  Establish

It's the first stage where the tool can be used right away. Inventory management is accessible along with finance modules, CRM, and other features.

2.  Elevate

It is the stage where you begin integrating new features into your current system. It contains:-

●     Procurement Management

●     Warehouse Management

●     Payroll Management

●     Commerce

●     Rebate Management

●     People Management

Depending on your needs, you can add to this list as well.

3.  Expand

During this time, your business will be successfully managed. While doing that, you can expand the system with new modules to improve your company. It is composed of:-

●     Project Management

●     Financial Planning

●     Operational Planning

●     Quality Management

●     Asset Management

●     Supply Chain Execution

4.  Accelerate

During this stage, you might quicken the pace by doing the following as the business continues to expand consistently.

●     International Expansion

●     Sales Optimization

●     Project Profitability

●     Revenue Management

The final stage is known as "Dominate". IoT and AI can help you improve customer experience and business standards.

By implementing the platform in this way, you will avoid implementation fatigue. Depending on your needs, you can apply each one at a time. By the time the first phase is complete, you should have most of the functionality available to customers live.

The additional phases greatly enhance both your brand and the business operations. There is no set formula for the modules indicated in the stages; instead, you can modify them to suit your needs.

How can NetSuite SuiteCommerce Benefit your Business?

From pre-revenue startups to rapidly expanding businesses, NetSuite has been adopted by companies of all sizes. Are you seeking a more cost-effective way to run your company but are worried about the cost?

To utilize NetSuite, users must pay an annual license fee. The core platform, add-on modules, and user count are the three main parts of your license.

During the initial setup, there is also a one-time implementation fee. The benefit of using cloud software is that you can easily activate new modules and add users as your business grows. E-commerce options for NetSuite are offered as add-on modules.

1. Minimal to No Integrations

SuiteCommerce will allow its users to combine the front end and back end processes to reduce costs of managing integrations.

2. In Built Reporting

SuiteCommerce would provide its users with insights to facilitate business growth. By utilizing the NetSuite’s proven KPIs and Commerce Reports, users can make data-driven decisions that would directly impact the business growth.

3. Enhanced Data Consistency and Visibility

NetSuite’s Suitecommerce integrates with CRM, Inventory Management, Order Management, to provide a single view for the entire business. Such a functionality would allow for real-time tracking of stock, customer records, orders and other data for complete visibility.

4. Streamlined Business Operations

With Netsuite’s Suitecommerce, online orders automatically flow into NetSuite for handling everything under one roof. Orders would be processed more quickly and efficiently.

5. Ultimate Shopping Experience

Shopping features- such as product comparisons, social share, enhanced image galleries, customer reviews, and advanced site search would make it easier for your customers to use your site. SuiteCommerce has something in the store for B2B buyers too- With online quote requests, account balances, and making payments against invoices. 

6. SaaS Delivery Model

SuiteCommerce offers multi-tenant cloud solution, this would help you get rid of your worries of migrating your commerce solution again. With regular software updates, the new features are made easily available.

7. Intuitive Design

Intuitive and Responsive Web Design capabilities allows to build a device-optimized experience that would cater for all- desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. You will no longer have to maintain multiple fragmented systems,  you’ll have everything under one dedicated roof.

Key Features of Netsuite SuiteCommerce:

1. Ecommerce

SuiteCommerce supports both- B2C and B2B ecommerce from one single platform.  This system provides its consumers with a B2C site that delivers an engaging and personalized experience they expect. On the other hand, your B2B site offers a rich experience similar to a B2C site with the added functionality to support unique requirements of business users.

2. Point of Sale

SuiteCommerce InStore mobile POS provides retailers with traditional POS functionalities, including cash transactions, returns, and exchanges. Moreover, it grants access to comprehensive inventory and customer data, further enabling associates to better interact with shoppers, boost sales, and deliver an unmatched shopping experience.

3. Order Management

SuiteCommerce will allow you to manage orders from various channels- whether in store, web, call centre, mobile kiosk- all in one place. This system helps you achieve the “buy anywhere, fullfill anywhere” experience with live inventory updates across all outlets- including the physical stores. You can streamline order processing for a quicker turnaround, further leading to improved customer satisfaction and reduced operational costs.

4. Inventory Management

Enhance inventory management through real-time visibility across all the departments of your company- from warehouses and retail stores to pop-up shops, drop shippers and third party logistics providers. You can maintain optimal stock levels, reduce instances of overstocking and capitalize and grow with the sales opportunities by promoting high-profit products to your customers.

5. CRM

You can unify the fragmented data sources under one roof to get a complete view of the customer across all channels and touchpoints. You can capture all preferences, interactions, transactions and create personalized marketing campaigns and promotions for them. 

6. Connectors

You can sync your inventory, orders and shipping information in NetSuite with online marketplaces, online stores, POS systems, and third-party logistics providers using ready-made connectors.

What Value does NetSuite ERP have for your eCommerce business?

An all-in-one cloud business management system called NetSuite ERP automates daily tasks. This offers real-time operational and financial performance visibility to make businesses run more effectively.

A feature of Netsuite ERP helps to ensure that this objective is accomplished by providing inventory management for correct shipment. Additionally, it keeps track of the distribution and ordering of goods, sales and payments, costs and supplies, and procurement plans.

Businesses can clearly understand their data and improve control over their operations with NetSuite ERP. It combines production, supply chain, accounting, order processing, inventory management, and warehousing processes into a single, integrated suite of apps.

Looking for NetSuite solutions? Reach out to our team for top-notch NetSuite services. Contact us Today!

What does the average Return on Investment (ROI) case for SuiteCommerce Look Li​ke?

ROI is a metric of the return on investment, sometimes known as the net profit or financial gain. To determine the profitability of a project or investment, ROI parameters, or measurements, are typically used.

To ascertain whether a project, investment, or purchase will produce a sufficient return, many firms, information technology managers, and Web site managers employ ROI analysis.

Your ROI should be a key factor in any decision you make when evaluating business tools, just like with any other product.

Due to the way it connects inventory information between the front and back ends, using an integrated eCommerce solution like SuiteCommerce can yield enormous benefits for a business.

When you adjust your stock levels in NetSuite using SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce updates promptly with the new stock levels.

A consumer may decide to place a large order or opt-out of placing any orders if one of the desired products is "Out of Stock" due to the need to update two systems independently.

You can test a variety of tactics, depending on whether your goal is to increase your e-commerce ROI or stop a dropping rate. Here are five strategies for raising your ROI:

  • Put your eCommerce data to work.
  • Increase customer loyalty.
  • Optimize product and landing pages.
  • Improve your sales funnel.
  • Create more compelling content.

How much does NetSuite SuiteCommerce Cost? 

NetSuite SuiteCommerce pricing ranges from extremely low to slightly more expensive. Whether your business is a pre-revenue startup or a fast-growing business, NetSuite SuiteCommerce provides an accurate business operation to manage it simply.

Are you still wondering about running your business in a better way with a flexible cost? 

You can subscribe to NetSuite for an annual license fee. The license is made up of three main components: 

  • Core platform.
  • Optional modules.
  • The number of users.

Additionally, there is also a one-time implementation fee for the initial setup of the application. According to the growth of your business, you can easily activate new NetSuite modules and add users accordingly.

If you need to get more details on NetSuite SuiteCommerce, consult a development team, like Kanak Infosystems, who has decades of experience in the NetSuite industry and can also learn the basics of SuiteCommerce extension, like SiteBuilder.

Experts and Advisors in NetSuite SuiteCommerce

With the complete range of your SuiteCommerce requirements, Kanak Infosystem, a NetSuite Solution Provider, is prepared to assist you.

Kanak Infosystems is your one-stop shop for your NetSuite needs, from evaluation to implementation, custom SuiteScripting and coding, business process, and optimization.

We aspire to be a long-term extension of your team because of our record of establishing solid customer relationships.

Business analysts, developers, and CPAs make up the whole on-shore customer support staff we have available for you. With this team, we can help your company move from asking, "How do we do that?" to "What's next?".

Your NetSuite system's value is increased with our assistance. No long-term support commitments are needed, making us simple to work with on any project. To contact us if you're ready to discuss how we might assist you, use the forms on our website.

 Contact us now for more details about NetSuite Implementation, Customization, Integration, etc.


One of the top eCommerce platforms is Suitecommerce from Netsuite. Every eCommerce vendor faces difficulties, and NetSuite is fully aware of these. For every e-commerce company, Cloud ERP serves as the back end of the solution created by NetSuite, and SuiteCommerce serves as the interface. 

In order to assist, we first learn about your needs. This information lets us choose the best options for your company. Proper development, planning, and strategy must be used to get the finest results for your organization. 

From NetSuite implementation and setup to advanced customization and automation tools, apps, and workflows. Kanak Infosystem employs the most qualified NetSuite developers for the job. 

Depending on a company's demands, NetSuite costs might vary greatly. This is due to the additional modules that a business may need and a greater number of users. For instance, a large corporation with a global reach that sells products online will require a greater range of features than a business with operations in the United States but no experience with e-commerce. Contact us to find out more about the potential costs associated with NetSuite for your business based on the features and services you require!

One of the top eCommerce platforms is Suitecommerce from Netsuite. Every eCommerce vendor faces difficulties, and NetSuite is fully aware of these. For every e-commerce company, Cloud ERP serves as the back end of the solution created by NetSuite, and SuiteCommerce serves as the interface.

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