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Website Product Subscription Module In Odoo

Website Product Subscription Module In Odoo

ODOO is an open-source platform which provides to the companies, almost every necessary feature required for business management. Odoo has a variety of apps (or modules) likes CRM for pipeline structure, Sales and Invoicing Management for Ordering Process, Inventory and Warehouses, HR related modules for all the human resources functioning, POS, and most important of them all the option to host an eCommerce site using the Website and Sale module

Website Product Subscription module allows users to maintain their database and eCommerce websites in a single place with all the useful features.

Over the last few years, we have seen the growth in the customers of eCommerce stores and their increasing trust in online shops. The progress and success of a business depend on how many innovations and ideas can a person come up with for increasing its customer base.

One such great idea is the use of a subscription model in your business. According to the subscription business model, a customer can pay a recurring price at regular intervals for continuous access to a product or service.

The main highlight of this model is, its ability to provide an optimal balance to both the company and the consumer. For companies, the values lie in the stability of the sales of their product and for customers, it provides convenience and hassle-free use of a product or service.

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The company which uses this subscription model surely gets the benefit and a sense of security for their subscription products and services. So, if we want to increase and secure our customer base for our eCommerce store, the Subscription model is a very useful and profitable addition.

In Odoo, we can use this subscription model for online sales with the help of a very innovative and useful addon, “Website - Subscription Management” byKanak Infosystems.

Website Product Subscription Management

Website - Product Subscription Management module allows users to auto-create subscription, sale order, and delivery order for a product by allowing customers the option to subscribe to the product from the website shop.

With the help of this useful addon, we get the option to generate subscriptions for a product and give customers an option to subscribe to our products based on different time periods.

The sale orders and delivery orders for subscription products are automatically managed in the backend.

In this blog, we are going to setup and see how the “Website - Product Subscription Management” module works in Odoo v13.

Offer Flexible Subscription Options! Contact Kanak Infosystems to Integrate the Website Product Subscription Module into Your Odoo Website.

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

First, we are going to setup a subscription product. We can create a new product or make changes to the current products.

Navigate to Sales > Products and Open the Product.

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

Here we can see the option “Can be Subscribed”. This option is used to signify that this product can be subscribed to. Enable this option.

After that, we need to add subscription intervals to this product which means that we have the option to add intervals for which this product can be subscribed. So, we can give the customer the option to subscribe to this product on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis, or at any interval that we want to setup.

For creating those intervals, we’ll Navigate to Sales > Configuration> Subscription Intervals.

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

Here we can see that these intervals are present by default. We can create new intervals or delete old ones here.

In the Product, when we enable “Can be Subscribed”, we can see a new tab “Subscription”. In this tab, there is a field Subscription Intervals.

Here we’ll set which subscription intervals are available for this product.

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

For example, in this case, we’ll set “1 days”, “2 days”, “3 days” and “1-week” interval for this product, which means that we can give the customer the option to receive this product every day, or every 2 days or every week.

Setting up a Subscription in a Product

After setting up the intervals, we’ll save this product.

Now let us Navigate to the Website and Check this Product.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

As we can see, we have the option to subscribe to the product.

Enable the “Do you want to subscribe to this product?” and after that, we can see an option to select an interval for which we want to subscribe to this product.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

Remember, only those intervals will be shown here which we enable in the product. After selecting the interval, click on add to cart.

In the cart also, we can see the subscription interval for which we have subscribed to the product.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

The payment page also shows the subscription interval selected for this product.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

After confirming the order, we can see that an order has been created in the backend.

When the payment is received, the order will be confirmed, and the delivery order will be generated automatically. Also, a subscription for this product in the name of this customer will be created.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

We can control/manage the subscription from here.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

Also see all the subscriptions so far by navigating to Sales > Product Subscriptions.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

There is one another great feature in this module. The customer after confirmation receives the mail for the sales order and subscription.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

So, we can easily notify our customers about their orders along with the subscription that has been created with their order

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

This module also provides a very useful feature of setting up reminders before delivery for subscriptions. So, the customers will be notified or reminded about the delivery for their subscription.

Navigate to the Website and Check this Product

With the help of these useful features, we can keep our customers satisfied by providing them the option to get their products delivered to them regularly and saving their time by providing them the subscription model.

You can check out the module here:Website Product Subscription Management

Some companies do not use the website eCommerce and want to maintain their sales and ordering process with the subscription model in the backend. So, we also have the option to simply manage subscription processes for products in the backend in the sales modules by using this special addon: Product Subscription Management

Also, we offer full customization to any of these modules according to your preferences. So, feel free to Contact Us if you want to use this subscription process with some changes according to your preferences.

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