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Top 8 Key Factors to Consider When You Hire Flutter Developers

Top 8 Key Factors to Consider When You Hire Flutter Developers

As we all know, Flutter is an open source UI framework utilized to build visually appealing , natively compiled applications- compatible with android and ios- from a single code base. Flutter provides dedicated support to create embedded and web-based solutions. 

Flutter is the brainchild of Google and it allows you to add new features to your existing application or create a new fully functional app. Some of the most distinctive features of Flutter are Hot Reload, Rendered UI, and advanced SDKs. 

As per Statista’s report, Flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile framework- with approximately 42% of software developers using Flutter worldwide in the year of 2021. Hence, if you are on the lookout to hire a Flutter developer, you have arrived at the right place.

Statista's Report Stats: Popular Cross Platform Mobile Framework

We understand that hiring a flutter developer is not as easy as it sounds, we are living in a world where roughly ⅓ rd of mobile developers utilize cross platform technologies. To hire the best flutter developers, it is important to keep certain aspects in mind.

Flutter has taken the Mobile Sector by the storm. Comparatively, a young technology- Flutter- allows developers to Android and iOS apps without burning a hole in their pocket. All they have to do is build the app once, and it will work seamlessly on both the platforms while conserving the native feel and development logic. 

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What to look for while hiring a Flutter Developer:

Hiring Flutter Developer: Key Factor to Consider

Hiring the right developer is the key. You can only bring your ideation of the mobile app to life if only you have it backed by the apt developers. While hiring the Flutter Developers, following are the skills that you should look for:

1. Know-How of Native Programming Languages:

The developers you are choosing should have a good understanding of both or atleast one app development platform utilizing native code, for example- Android with Kotlin. Their understanding of such a platform is necessary to make the most out of Flutter.

2. Command over Dart

Dart is a programming language launched by Google which is used in Flutter. Any project that needs to utilize Flutter also demands an expertise in Dart. Dart is a multidimensional language used for server deployment, mobile and web app development. The developers should be aware of the know-hows of this language.

3. Understanding with Agile and Waterfall Methodologies

Agile methodology is an amalgamation of development practices and frameworks which are backed by 12 principles mentioned in Agile Manifesto. In contrast to that, Waterfall Methodology refers to the easy utilization of a sequential workflow cycle in the development process. These methodologies provide a pathway to the project. It would accelerate the entire process of development if the developers have an understanding of these methodologies.

4. Understanding the Version Control Tools

The developers you choose should be well-acquainted with version control tools and technologies like Git, GitHub, and BitBucket. These tools are pivotal in tracking the changes and modifications applied to the project with precision. 

5. Experience in SQLite

SQLite is a platform that helps in storing continuous data and effectively loads it when required. Having a good knowledge of this platform is pivotal as it would allow developers to work with multiple frameworks development settings. You should choose the Flutter developers who have experience of handling projects that involve SQLite and managing large amounts of data.

6. Expertise in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

IDEs help in providing robust debugging support and simplify working with desired programming languages. IDEs combine the capabilities of common developer tools into the sole GUI to build enterprise-grade apps. Your developers should be well-versed with popular IDEs which support Flutter- including Android Studio, Visual Studio, etc.

7. Expertise in Flutter DevTools

Flutter DevTools is a suite of debugging, performance, memory and layout inspection tools that will simplify the overall development execution. You should check whether your developers are familiar with these tools. 

8. Proficiency in Commonly Used Designed Tools

You should hire a Flutter Developer who has worked on projects involving the complete utilization of popular design tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, and Flutter Studio. These tools will help your developer create and visualize ideas in a hassle-free way. 

Technical Skills to Look for in a Flutter Developer:

1. Proficiency in Dart, Java, Kotlin, SQLite, Webpack, HTML, Javascript, CSS3.

2. Understanding of Flutter Framework Fundamentals

3. Understanding of Mobile App Development Concepts

4. Familiarity with Version Control

5. Understanding of Widget Libraries and Ui/Ux

6. Knowledge of API Integration and Data Handling

7. Prior Knowledge of  Native Programming languages.

8. Understanding of Agile and Waterfall Methodologies

9. Understanding of State Management and App Architecture

10. Acquainted with Firebase, PWA, Azure DevOps

Can’t find a suitable flutter developer for your project? Contact us now and get the perfect developer to suit your project. 

Top 5 Advantages of Flutter App Development:  

Flutter has been constantly growing in its popularity, according to Google- there are about 100,000 apps which are being developed on Flutter. The reason for this popularity is pretty simple- Flutter code is easy to deploy. 

Benefits of Flutter App Development

There are several other benefits of using Flutter, let us discuss those in detail:

1. Efficient Development Process

Since Flutter is a cross-platform technology, it enables developing an app for both the operating systems- Android and iOS- using the same codebase. Flutter also offers hot restart and a unique “hot- reload” function- this allows you to see updates in real time without having to restart the app.

2. Widgets and Compatibility

In the app building world, widgets are the building blocks. In Flutter, there are ready-made as well as customizable widgets. And since widgets are the parts of the app- there are fewer compatibility issues on different platforms or operating systems.

3. High Performance

Flutter Applications are known to perform at a level which is directly comparable with native mobile apps. It is safe to say that Flutter is winning over the other cross-platform technologies. The reason for this is that Flutter is the only mobile SDK which doesn’t use a bridge for the communication between the app and the platform.  As a result of this, you get a faster app with aesthetically pleasing and faster animations.

4. Beyond Mobile

Flutter also allows you to develop products that work on web, desktop and even TV- many developers are already using these features to the best of their powers. However, these features are still in different stages of advancement.

5. Internationalization and Accessibility

Preparing your app in different languages and regional versions happens after your app is created and can produce multiple variants. Flutter provides you with tools that make this process as smooth as a cakewalk and incorporates it directly into the development process. 

Other features that Flutter supports include- Accessibility, Enabling Large Fonts, Screen Readers and Enhanced Contracts. 

To know more reasons to choose Flutter Development for Mobile Apps- Read or Blog.

All-in-All, having Flutter Developers can prove to be beneficial for businesses who wish to create Android as well as iOS apps in a budget with quick turnaround time. Flutter Developers can satisfy all the cross-platform development needs.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

Before getting on with Flutter, you need to have an understanding of Object Oriented Programming. This is an important programming model that you need to learn to develop apps. Then, the other one is Dart- it is the programming language of Flutter.

To be a Flutter Developer, one must have an understanding of the mobile app development process- including navigation and handling different screen sizes for all the mobile devices. This also involves adjusting and styling pre-built UI components to align with the desired design.

In order to choose the best Flutter App Development Company for your project, you should evaluate the company profiles, go through their client testimonials, examine their expertise in Flutter App Development and their commitment to their clients and projects.

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