Home Blog Coupon and Next Order Coupon In Odoo 17
Coupon and Next Order Coupon In Odoo 17

Coupon and Next Order Coupon In Odoo 17

Promotion programmes are a core marketing strategy of businesses, they usually launch a variety of promotion programmes to attract customers and increase the profitability of businesses.

Coupons and next Coupon Order Coupon programs are also included as promotion programs which helps to boost the sales and profitability of the businesses.

Coupons can be generated manually and send/share the coupon code with customers, which will allow them to use that coupon code and get some discount on the current order.

The Next Order Coupon means a coupon code will be provided to the customer and he will apply that coupon code on the next order and get the discount based on defined rule conditions.

Configure the Coupon and Next Coupon Order Programs in Odoo:-

first, we need to enable the feature “Discount, loyalty & gift card” from sales module > configuration > settings.

Configure the Coupon and Next Coupon Order Programs in Odoo

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Coupons can be defined as whenever customers purchase any product and at the time of that they can apply that specific coupon code so they will be eligible for discounts, free products or free shipping based on the reward type defined in the program.

Let’s see how we can configure the coupon program in Odoo:

Navigate to sales > products > Discounts & loyalty.

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

By clicking on the "new" we can create a new program.

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo


Program name: The program name for the coupon can be defined.

Program type: To create a coupon program, select the program type as “coupon”.

Currency: A currency for the coupon program can be selected here.

Pricelist: A price list related to the coupon program can be defined.

Points units: A points unit would be coupon points as a default

Show points unit: If a show points unit is ticked, the points earned and used will be shown on the orders.

Validity: a validity period can be defined for the coupon code program.

Limit usage: if this field is enabled we can limit the usage of coupon times during its validity period.

Company: A particular company can be selected.

Available on: we can tick the checkbox of modules on which the program will be available

Website: A particular website can be selected on which the program is available, if it is blank then it will be available on each website.

Point of sale: shops and restaurants can be selected here if the promotion is applicable.

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

By clicking on “add” we can add conditional rules to be applied to the coupon program.


Minimum quantity: We can define the number of quantities purchased to receive the reward for the coupon program.

Minimum purchase: we can define a specific amount to be purchased to be eligible for the reward either the amount can be tax excluded or included.

Products: we can select multiple products to which the condition will be applied.

Categories: can also select specific product categories to which the program applies.

Product tags: A specific product tag can be defined, meaning products with those tags will be eligible for the coupon program.


For the rewards as well, click on “add” and the configuration window will be visible.

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

Reward type: select the reward type from the free product, discount, and free shipping.

● Free Product:  

Quantity Rewarded: A specific number of products’ quantity rewarded to the customer can be defined.

Product: A specific product as a free product can be selected.

Product Tag: Select a tag to further specify whether the free product is eligible for the reward or not.

● Discount: Add a percentage to be discounted, either it would be on order, cheapest product, or specific products

Max Discount: We can define the maximum amount as a discount may be granted.

Discounted Products: We can define specific products that would be eligible for discount.

Discounted Product Categories: we can also define specific product categories for the discount applicability.

Discounted prod.Tags: Products with specific tags will be allowed for the reward of discounts.

● Free shipping:

Max Discount: An amount can be defined as a limit of maximum discount as a reward can be given.

In Exchange: we can define specific points that can be required to exchange for the rewards.

Description in Order: we can define the description for the reward that would be visible on the checkout page.

We can generate a coupon manually by clicking on the button “generate coupon” and then send and share it.

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

How we can Configure the coupon program in Odoo

To generate it, we can select from “anonymous customers or selected customers”, if we opt for selected customers then we can select the partner for whom we are creating a coupon. In “quantity to generate” a number of coupons we want to generate can be defined. Coupon Value means points to be granted to the customer can be defined and lastly a valid date until the coupon program is valid can be specified.

Use-case of Create New Coupon Program

Suppose a company is running a footwear business. They want to raise a coupon program for the specific month of February so the customers who purchase shoes in February with coupon codes will get a 10% discount.

● To configure it- Navigate to sales > products > Discounts & loyalty.

● Create a new coupon program, as a type of coupon and start date and end date would be 1 Feb to 29 Feb.

Use-case of Create New Coupon Program in Odoo

● To generate a coupon card, click on “generate coupon” and if we want to generate coupon codes for all the customers we can select anonymous customers and if we want to generate a coupon for a specific customer, we can select that option and specify the customer.

Use-case of Create New Coupon Program in Odoo

● A customer can use this coupon code while proceeding with an order and can get 10% off on the order. Let's proceed with it on the website and see how this coupon works.

Use-case of Create New Coupon Program in Odoo

This is how coupon codes can be applied to orders.

● Next order coupon:

A next-order coupon allows the customer to have a coupon code and they can utilize this coupon code on their next future purchase and get rewards based on the defined reward conditions in the company.

To configure the next order program > sales > products > Discounts & loyalty.

Use-case of Create New Coupon Program in Odoo

To configure the next order coupons, select the program type as “next order coupon” and add the rules and rewards conditions as discussed above in this blog.

Use-case of Creating a Promotion Program Type as "Next Order Coupon Program" In Odoo

A company running a business of clothing on e-commerce. 

They want to have a promotion program type as “next order program” as they want to encourage the customer that if they buy clothes now, they can get 15 % off their future order.

● First, To configure it- Navigate to sales > products > Discounts & loyalty.

● Select the program type as the next order coupon.

Creating a Promotion Program Type as "Next Order Coupon Program" In Odoo

● When a customer is going to shop for the product now, Odoo will generate a coupon code and then in the next order, the customer will get a 15% discount.

● Here is the first order by a customer and there is no discount applied.

Creating a Promotion Program Type as "Next Order Coupon Program" In Odoo

This is how the coupon code has been generated.

Creating a Promotion Program Type as "Next Order Coupon Program" In Odoo

Let’s proceed with a second purchase and apply a coupon code. All we need to do is to apply that coupon code in the next order and we can have a 15% discount.

Creating a Promotion Program Type as "Next Order Coupon Program" In Odoo


To conclude, The coupon and next order coupon are the promotional programmes that lead to boost sales and customer relations mainly to attract new customers and reward loyal customers with a good number of rewards.

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