Login With Social Signon ( Google/Facebook ) In Odoo
Odoo provides default functionality to login in to Odoo with external gateway (Google/Facebook).
In this blog, we will discuss step by step how to login in to Odoo with Google or Facebook.
Signin with Google In Odoo

First of all allow google to Login & Sign up in odoo following these steps:-
Settings >> General Settings >> OAuth Providers and allow google to user login & sign up.

Now we will login our Google Developer Console Account and open Google APIs & Services.
Then, we will click on CREATE button to create a new project.

Here, enter our project name and other details and click on CREATE button.

Here, we can see our created project is automatically selected in Google APIs.
Then, we need to enable API library to click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES because we don't have any API library to use.

Now, we will configure OAuth consent screen by clicking on OAuth consent screen and select External user type.

When, we click on CREATE button, OAuth consent screen page will be automatically open.
Here, set the OAuth consent screen:-
Application Name :- Here, we write our application name.
Support email :- Here, write our login email or any email on which you'd want to get notifications for the google api.
Authorize domains :- Here, write your authorize domains not a sub domain.
Application Homepage link :- Here, write our homepage link. It must be hosted on an authorized domain.
Application Privacy Policy link :- Here, write our privacy policy link. It must be hosted on an authorized domain.
Then, click on Save Button to set OAuth consent screen.

Domain Verification:-
Here you may need to verify yourself as the owner of the domain by adding html file to the root of your domain/website or by adding a txt record in the domain DNS or whatever other method as suggested by google authentication.
Now, we will open Credentials and click on CREATE CREDENTIALS and select second option (OAuth client ID).

When, we click on OAuth client ID, create OAuth client ID page will be automatically open.
Application type :- Here, select our application type.
Name :- Write our client name.
Authorized JavaScripts origin :- Here, write our sub-domain name.
Authorized redirect URIs :- Here, write our redirect URIs. auth_oauth/signin add after redirect URIs.
Then, Click on create button to create OAuth client ID.

When, we click on CREATE button, OAuth client ID automatically created.
Now, we will copy client ID and paste in Odoo (Google Oauth Provider).

Here, paste our OAuth client ID.

Then, we try to login in odoo with google to click on Log in with Google button.

Here, we are login in odoo with google

Signin with Facebook In Odoo

If, we want to Login & Sign up in Odoo with Facebook, please follow these steps:-
First of all allow Facebook to login & sign up to go to Settings>> General Settings>> OAuth Providers and allow facebook to user login & sign up.

Now, we will login in our Facebook account and open Facebook for Developers.
If, we are login in first time with facebook, please register our app to click on Register Now button.
Then create a new app, created app automatically selected and we can see our app ID.

Note:- Change the status of our app from In Development to Live mode. Because sometimes we will face an error in login time.
Now, we will copy app ID and paste in client ID field in odoo (Facebook OAuth Provider).

Then, we will try to login in Odoo with Facebook to click on Log in with Facebook button.

Here, we are logging in odoo with Facebook.

You can download our website Login Module from Odoo App Store. It provides a new look & feels to the default Odoo login page by making the Social Media buttons prominent on the login screen.
Let us know about your thought if it helpful to you. Kanak Infosystems have a team of professional Odoo Developers who are ready to assist and provide their support for Odoo Development & Customization. Get In touch with us for more details.
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