Digital Ocean Backup - Odoo Module
Create Token
Create token with generated token ID
1. Log into and genearte Token

2. Generate token in

3. Copy generated Token ID

4. Go to Settings --> Digital Ocean Integration --> Configuration and create Token

Get your Droplet/Server
From here you can genearte Droplet in Odoo
1. Check the Droplet list in

2. Click on 'Get Droplet' button and you will get all droplet from

3. Go to Settings --> Digital Ocean Integration --> Droplets and you cal also find list of Droplet

Take Backup/Snapshot of you Server
From here you can take your server backup/snapshot
1. Select Server/Droplet in

2. Got to 'Snapshot' and clik on 'Take Live Snapshot'

3. Select Droplet from list and click on 'Create Snapshot' button

Take Automatic Backup/Snapshot of you Server
From here you can take your server backup/snapshot automatically
1. Make 'Auto Backup?' true

2. Set Auto Backup period/time

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