Home Blog Digital Ocean Backup
Digital Ocean Backup

You can take snapshot/backup of your droplet/sever from https://cloud.digitalocean.com to Odoo

Create Token

Create token with generated token ID

1. Log into https://cloud.digitalocean.com and genearte Token

2. Generate token in cloud.digitalocean.com

3. Copy generated Token ID

4. Go to Settings --> Digital Ocean Integration --> Configuration and create Token

Get your Droplet/Server

From here you can genearte Droplet in Odoo

1. Check the Droplet list in https://cloud.digitalocean.com

2. Click on 'Get Droplet' button and you will get all droplet from https://cloud.digitalocean.com

3. Go to Settings --> Digital Ocean Integration --> Droplets and you cal also find list of Droplet

Take Backup/Snapshot of you Server

From here you can take your server backup/snapshot

1. Select Server/Droplet in https://cloud.digitalocean.com

2. Got to 'Snapshot' and clik on 'Take Live Snapshot'

3. Select Droplet from list and click on 'Create Snapshot' button

Take Automatic Backup/Snapshot of you Server

From here you can take your server backup/snapshot automatically

1. Make 'Auto Backup?' true

2. Set Auto Backup period/time

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