group by in calendar | Advance Calendar | column in Calendar | horizontal calendar
Database Auto Backup - Google Drive | Automatic database backup | odoo database backup | db backup | gdrive | google | drive backup | gdrive backup | weekly backup | daily backup
Birthday Wishes to Employees & Contacts
stock notification | email notification | product availability | stock availability | email reminder | notify send email | available stock | website stock notification | product stock | email stock notify
Send all email to a BCC | Company Email | BCC | Default BCC
FontAwesome Widget Icon
This is the base module of Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Picking Barcode Scan.
Used to hide meeting & phone call options in the chatter
Hide and show cost price in products
This module is used to Import Reordering Product from excel or CSV file in Selected Location.
A custom module for demo of various fields in Odoo.
Module helps to set background image in Login page.| Background image | image|Login | Login page|website|
This module is a very useful odoo addon which allows you to create strong Password for Users while Sign in. In standard odoo, there is no validation for the password.
Delivery status in Purchase Order
Add a picture to your payment method in the POS payment screen | POS Payment | POS Image
Prints the customer details on the receipt if a customer is selected.
Prints product barcode on POS receipt | POS | Barcode | EAN | POS Receipt.
A module used to create lists of products as templates.
Payment Status in sale order
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