This module is allow to add multiple product in purchase order line or import order line from xls file | add multiple products | add mass products | import xlsx for purchase line | xlsx import
You can see Invoiced Details In Sale. | sales order | invoice for sale | sale order vs invoice | sale invoice template | Invoice details on sale order | Invoice Details in sale | Sale Invoice | invoice details | Payment Details of Sale Order | payment details on Sale Order | sale order details
This module will help you to see easily 'Product' color variant. | Product Color Variant | Easy To See Color | Product Variant | Product Images | Color Swatch | Mouse Hover.
website payment | website QR payment | wire transfer
Website Product Availability
This Module allows user to export various Signature requests allowed by system administrator from portal itself also can export specific Signature requests between certain dates. | Export Signature request | Export Sign | Export from Website | Export From Portal | Export Feature from website | Export Sign | Export xls | Signature request Between Dates | Export Individual Signature Request | Export Individual Signature | Export List | Export Signature List | Export sign List | Export Excel|
Module developed for new user account approval by administrator
This module fetch the Geolocation of the user when it creates | geolocation on create | location | account move location | account move geolocation
Arabic Taxable Invoice Module is the Invoice Receipt Layout which is printed in english as well as Arabic language to ensure customer's ease of readability and displays content in proper format ready to use for commerical purpose | Invoice Report | qweb report | Taxable Invoice | invoice report | arabic invoice report | Arabic Invoice | Arabic invoice | dual language invoice report
It allows order to be created as quotation first and then the backend admin can send back to the customer with an updated shipping rates. Helpful in cases where shipping rates are not known and not easy to calculate.
Disable Debug Mode | user wise disable the debug mode | Enable/Disable Debug Mode | odoo debug mode | debug mode access | allow user eneble debug mode | debug | disable developer mode | developer | developer mode
| Export Sale Order | Export Single Order | Export RFQ | Export from Website | Export From Portal | Export Feature from website | Export SO | Export xls | Sale Order Between Dates | Export Individual SO | Export Individual RFQs | Export List | Export Sale List | Export Order List | Export Excel | Export Between Dates |
Hide and show cost price in products
This Module will make purchase order line readonly,once purchase order confirmed, so user can not change order line details.
This Module allows user to export various Invoices/Bills allowed by system administrator from portal itself also can export specific Invoices/Bills between certain dates. | Export Invoices | Export Bills | Export from Website | Export From Portal | Export Feature from website | Export Invoices | Export Vendor Bills | Export xls | Invoices Between Dates | Export Individual Invoices | Export Individual Bills | Export List | Export Invoices List | Export Bills List | Export List | Export Excel|
Tally Connector
Bank Charges
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