POS Table Order QR Code(for Restaurants)
As its name(POS Table Order QR Code) suggests this module is very useful for restaurant owners who want to automate food ordering at the convenience of customer sitting at a particular table.
The underlying features define the module and its usabiliy.
Now Let us have a look at the Step by Step flow:
1- Setup/Create floor plan as in your restaurant
Point of Sale >> Configuration >> Floor Plans (Remember to be in the debug mode)

After when you click on the main floor you can see an image like below appear to your screen where a Barcode and a URL is generated
(Note: Sometime barcode is not visible so you have to just edit seats and save that and refresh your page barcode will be generated)

You can easily download QR code from this button

After you click on the product a sub-menu will be open select item name attribute from there and create attribute according to your choice.
Configure Your Product
For creating a product, we need to Go to ==> Catalog menu ==> Product
Now click on the Product menu, to create your own product click on create, enter the desired product information and save the product.

Here you can see how the flow is working
First Use the URL you see in the Main FLoor Section (this you can get on scanning the QR code)
Note : it'll not work with a localhost url, has to be a validated domain
Once you scan the QR code, you'll get to see the products listed category wise for selection and addition to the cart

The eye icon shown under all products above will give a detailed product view and an option to select the desired variant

So select all the products and the desired quantity then the products will be added to the cart as shown in the image below:

After confirming the order your Token no. will be genrated you can also modify you order by clicking resume button or again scanning the same QR code
(Note:Resume process can only be done before payment status is not paid)

Once the token no. is generated the order goes to the POS backend, here you have to select table order and guest name as shown in the image

After that the item you have order will be shown. Click on Add Modify | order it will show your order detail

Here you have to click on payment button now it will take you to payment page. Order can be sent to the kitchen printer by clicking on the order button shown in the below image in green color

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