Google captcha on job application form
Send notification to the employee for check in check out.
Allows multiple images for the fleet, also lets user click and save images using the android or ios. | Website Product | Multiple Images | Vehicle Images | Add Multiple Vehicle Images | Fleet | Fleet Multi Image |
Print employee attendance Report with days & hours.
This module allow HR department/Company to send payslips by email at time of confirmation of payslip It is an importable module | Importable | Import Module | Employee payslip | payslip by email | hr payroll | payroll | payslip to employee by email | email payslips | payslip report | salary slip | employee salary | salary slip by email | mail payslip | payslip by email to employee | employee payslip | employee payslip mail | employee payslip email | email payroll | email payslip | email employee payslip | send by email payslip | payslip send by email | email to employee payslip | payslip send | payslip send to employee | payslip compute | salary rule | payroll | hr payroll | hr payslip
This Module will allow user download multiple Payslip Report and have them all compressed into a zip file.| Salary Slip Report ZIP | Payslip Report ZIP | Compressed Salary Slip | Compressed Paylip Report | Salary slip Report Zip | Payslip Report ZIP
This module create the approval request for creating a Product. |product approval|approval request|product request|approval|product|request|product approve|approve request
This module create the approval request for creating a Stock Picking. |stock picking approval|approval request|stock picking request|approval|stock picking|request|stock picking approve|approve request|transfer approval|receipt approval| internal transfer approval
This module create the approval request for creating a Purchase Order. |Purchase Order approval|approval request|Purchase Order request|approval|Purchase Order|request|Purchase Order approve|approve request
This module create the approval request for creating a Payment. |payment approval|approval request|payment request|approval|payment|request|payment approve|approve request
This module create the approval request for creating a Customer Invoice. |customer invoice approval|approval request|customer invoice request|approval|customer invoice|request|customer invoice approve|approve request|vendor bill approval|credit note approval| bill approval
This module create the approval request for creating a Pricelist. |pricelist approval|approval request|pricelist request|approval|pricelist|request|pricelist approve|approve request
This module create the approval request for creating a Customer. |customer approval|approval request|customer request|approval|customer|request|customer approve|approve request
This module create the approval request for creating a Product Category. |product category approval|approval request|product category request|approval|product category|request|product category approve|approve request
Month wise, employee wise payroll report which can be exported to excel as well
Manage Public Holidays
It is a Grievance form
Apply leaves from portal.Easily access to leave and apply leave from portal.User can easily check for leave status.User can delete the leave from portal.Time Off | timeoff | portal timeoff | Portal Time off | HR Time Off | Portal Leave|Portal Leave application|Leave Application|Employee Leave Portal|Portal Leave Apply|Leave Portal.
This module will only allows employee to check in/out within Active Work Location Range.
Portal Payslip using this module user can see their payslip and also down the same.| Portal Payslip | Employee Payslip | Salaryslip | Portal salaryslip | Employee Salaryslip | Portal Payslip Search | Website Employee | Website Payslip | Download Payslip.
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