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Using this module you can search product with product tags.
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Website Search Product Tags
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
20.37 20.37

Apple Authentication provider
Apple auth provider
Authenticate using apple
Authenticate Using Apple ID
login in with apple id
sign in with apple id
sign in with apple accounts
iphone authenticate user
app useauthentication
apple developer sign in
sign in with apple ios
apple connect sign in
apple id login
apple authentication token
apple authentication check
Login with OAuth providers for odoo
setup the OAuth Providers
OAuth Single Sign On in odoo
Odoo SSO using apple id
sign in with apple id in odoo
Apple Single Sign On OAuth
login with app id in odoo
sign up using apple id
Apple Social Login Configuration in odoo

Sign in with Apple
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
75.26 75.26

Customers can get rewards option with Discount, Voucher, and Gift, by Loyalty Program Rules then the customer can spend those points to get rewards on purchasing. | sale loyalty points | loyalty point | sale loyalty | loyalty point reward | Loyalty Points | Loyalty Points and Rewards | Gift Rewards | Sale Loyalty Points | Customer Loyalty Points

Sale Loyalty
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
62.17 62.17

Disable Chatting

Disable Chatting
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
42.54 42.54

This module hides the chatter from non followers
odoo chat
odoo chatter
hide chat in teams
hide chatter odoo
chatter visibility in odoo
show chatter to followers
manage odoo chatter
configure odoo chatter
set rules in odoo chatter
show odoo chatter to followers
Allow followers to see odoo chatter
block chatter for non-followers

Visible Chatter to Followers
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
53.57 53.57

Multiple Calendar Date Picker
multiple date picker widget
multi calendar view in odoo
odoo joint calendar
multiple calendar app
datepicker multiple date section
date picker widget
multi date select calendar
odoo calendar
joint calendar
different type of calendar in odoo
odoo calendar view
manage multi calendar in odoo
calendar module in odoo
odoo calendar
joint calendar
setup multiple calendar in odoo
multiple calendars
multi date picker
multi select date picker
multiple dates in date picker
Nepali Calendar
Islamic Calendar
Julian Calendar
Mayan Calendar
Gregorian Calendar
Taiwan Calendar
Thai Calendar
Umm al-Qura Calendar
Hebrew Calendar
Ethiopian Calendar
Coptic Calendar
Persian Calendar

Multiple Calendar Date Picker
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
130.89 130.89

Prescription Module is used to manage prescriptions and sale the prescribed medicine from pos | POS Prescription | Patient Prescription | Prescribe medicines

Kanak Infosystems LLP.
141.80 141.80

Payment Status in sale order

Payment Status On Sale Order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
5.45 5.45

Website Payment Installments
website payment processing
Payment Installment
website payment systems
online payment plan shopping
website payment methods
monthly payment installment
website payment integration
installment payment in odoo
installment payment services
website payment plan
add payment to your website
odoo payment
odoo payment methods
Website installment
shop pay installments fees
pay in installments online shopping
apply for shop pay installments
Payments in installments
Installment payment configuration

Website Payment Installments
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
240.07 240.07

Reason for Cancel Sales, Purchase, Invoice Orders.

All In One Cancel Reason
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
6.54 6.54

Delivery status in sale order

Delivery Status On Sale Order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
5.45 5.45

Module For Clear cart button add on website.|clear cart | website | cart button | clear cart button | add to cart button | Clear|

Clear cart button on website
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.91 10.91

Using this module project followers will notify for project hours limit

Project Timesheet Limit Reminder
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
21.82 21.82

This Module Allows Customer to Download Documents That Are Attached to the Products From Website
| Customer |Allows | Download| Documents| Attached | Products| Website |Products From Website| Customer to Download Documents|

Website Product Attachment
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
16.36 16.36

Hide Menu From User|hide | menu | user | hide menu | hide user|

Hide Menu From User
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.91 10.91

Hospital Management system | HMS | open source hospital management system | medical management software | odoo hospital management free | odoo healthcare management system | erp for hospitals | odoo healthcare | odoo clinic management system | odoo medical health management solution | odoo erp for healthcare management | hms hospital | hms systems | online clinic management system | medical management system | clinic management software | patient management system |healthcare software vendors|

Healthcare Management System
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
77.09 77.09

This module create the approval request for creating a Stock Picking. |stock picking approval|approval request|stock picking request|approval|stock picking|request|stock picking approve|approve request|transfer approval|receipt approval| internal transfer approval

Stock Picking-Approvals
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
31.63 31.63

Post Dated Cheque | PDC | Cheque Paymnet | Cheque | Post Cheque

Kanak Infosystems LLP.
54.54 54.54

crm | sales | invoice | estimate | cost estimate | sale estimate

Cost Estimation
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
27.27 27.27

Using this module you can add multiple product on invoice. | Add Product on Invoice | Product Cart | add product on invoice line

Add Multiple Product From Invoice
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
27.27 27.27